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Сбогуваме се с проф. д-р Живко Бояджиев.

Професор д-р Живко Бояджиев (14.04.1936–09.08.2007) (Стефана Димитрова) // 7
Съпоставителни изследвания
Силвия Ботева – Предлози, обозначаващи топологични релации във френския и в българския език // 11
Мария Коларова – Сложни вербоцентрични съществителни имена от типа глагол + съществително име в английския и българския език // 24
The topic that the present article studies is a specific type of verb-centred compound nouns in English and Bulgarian, namely, the Verb + Noun pattern as in pickpocket and загоритенджера. The paper attempts to present a contrastive analysis with regard to the similarities and differences in the form and meaning of these combinations in the two languages. The analyzed compounds are also classified into thematic groups according to what they denote. This pattern is no longer productive in contemporary English and Bulgarian but some of these verb-centred compound nouns are still frequently used and have a specific stylistic effect.
Ирина Георгиева – Видове човешка дейност, съотнесени с отрязъците от денонощието в българския и руския език // 32
Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения
Radek Čech (Ostrava) – Language System – Linguistics as an Empirical Science // 42
Svetlana Y. Nedelcheva (Šumen) – The Prototype and Conceptual Network of Possessive на-constructions in Bulgarian // 50
Юлияна Стоянова – Прозодична структура на ранните детски изказвания // 65
This paper describes some universal and language specific (Bulgarian) characteristics of the prosodic words at the one-word stage of language development. Central to this description are the notions of a prosodic word as well as of a minimal word constraint, the latter expressing the tendency in many languages for the lexical words to be composed of at least one binary foot.
The Bulgarian data (stemming from five longitudinally studied subjects aged between 1;2 and 2;2 years) conform to the universal tendency according to which, at this early stage of language development, the minimal word is also the maximal one. Besides, the Bulgarian sample shows that children are sensitive to the language specific prosodic structure of the input: the analyzed one-word verbal production reflects the dominance of trochaic over iambic feet, the relatively great deal of bimoraic feet, and the marginal character of the subminimal words that are typical of Bulgarian (in contrast to French, for example).
The combined influence of the above-mentioned universal and language specific factors gives a convincing explanation of the phenomena of consonant and syllable truncation in children’s early speech.
Снежина Карагьозова – Семантика на оценъчните предиката и тяхната съчетаемост в рекламния дискурс // 81
В статье анализируется употребление нескольких типов оценочных предикатов в рекламных текстах. Автор исходит из убеждения, что синтагматическая сочетаемость этих предикатов обусловлена их семантической структурой.
The paper deals with the usage of a few types evaluative predicates in advertisements. The syntagmatic relations of these predicates are determined by their semantic structure.
Яна Паликарска – Когнитивният подход и каламбурът // 97
Жак Ескенази – Формални критерии за оценка на езиковедските публикации. 2. Български цитати // 120
Настоящая работа рассматривает публикационную активность болгарских языковедов за 1970–1989 гг. путём анализа болгарских ссылок на их работы. Ранжированы группы языковедов, получивших 1–20 и более ссылок за указанный период. Отдельно рассмотрен метод коцитирования (проспективной связи) между работами основной группы болгарских лингвистов. В результате подтверждена оценка американского историка науки Д. де Солла Прайса о различной структуре естественных наук и гуманитарного знания, чем объясняются и невысокие стоимости коцитирования в некоторых из анализированных кластеров.
This study considers the publishing activity of Bulgarian philologists for the period 1970–1989 by analysing the frequency of references to their publications in works of Bulgarian researchers. Arranged in groups are philologists whose publications have been quoted on 1 to 20 or more occasions during the researched period. Considered separately is the method of co-citation (prospective coupling) among the works of the core of Bulgarian linguists. Supported accordingly was the viewpoint of the American historian of science D. de Sofia Price on the different structure of sciences and humanities which is a reason for the insignificant level of co-citation in some clusters under consideration.